Finding a Work-Life Balance During a Pandemic (Oct 30 at 2PM)

ACRL/NY and LACUNY Professional Development Committees invite you to a Fall 2020 program

Finding a Work-Life Balance During a Pandemic

  • WHEN: Friday, October 30, 2020, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • WHERE: ZOOM details will be sent to you once you register at the registration form below
  • PROGRAM MODERATOR: Dr. Kanu A. Nagra, Derek Stadler and Michelle Ehrenpreis
  • Please register by Oct 28

Program Details and Speakers:

Upside Down: Work, Home Life and Community During COVID-19

Janet Butler Munch, Professor  & Special Collections Librarian, Lehman College

COVID-19 has upended our work, home life, and communities. We struggle to cope with the changes directly impacting us, and all those with whom we routinely interact. Despite these unsettling times, we can draw lessons from past pandemics. We find hope in our innate adaptability, shared community, and support for each other.

Wait, What Time is it? Time Management During a Pandemic

Dianne Gordon Conyers, Associate Professor& Serials Librarian, LaGuardia Community College

Working remotely during a pandemic can cause disruptions in our normal schedule. We are in and out of meetings/workshops/conferences just one click away on our computers or device to the next. Time management could help to create a schedule  that promote a work-life balance. We take time to learn new tools to gain the technological skills working in an online environment. In what ways can time management help to create and sustain a work-life balance? How can time management during a pandemic help to promote work-life balance?

Work/Life or Life-work? Re-thinking Imbalance in the Context of Stanley Cavell’s Thought

Robert Farrell, Associate Professor & Coordinator of Information Literacy and Assessment Librarian, Lehman College

Does the idea of work-life balance beg the question? The phraseology seems to assume that work and life are separate, opposing things that must be brought into equilibrium. But is this the case? While we can accept these premises and propose techniques by which to achieve a purportedly desirable “balance,” this presentation, drawing on philosopher Stanley Cavell, will challenge this view, putting forward an idea of “life-work” in which imbalance or “restlessness” can play a positive role.

We are Only Human

Alexandra Rojas, Head Reference & Public Services, LaGuardia Community College

The Covid-19 crisis has unsettled our existence in numerous ways. Switching gears to one environment and providing Library service in the best possible way takes a village.  In this presentation, Alexandra will talk about her journey to promotion and research writing. She will also highlight the architecture and best practices at LaGuardia Community College Library. This presentation will discuss how the Library has actively sought ways to make students feel welcomed.

This program is open to ACRL/NY, ACRL National and LACUNY members.

If you are not an ACRL/NY member: please use the following link to join or renew your membership to ACRL/NY (

If you are not an LACUNY member: please use the following link to join or renew your membership to LACUNY (


Derek, Michelle and Kanu

Co-organizers of the event