Designing a Research Study & Analyzing Data, METRO & ACRL/NY, METRO Training Center, Thursday, October 23


Library Assessment Overview – Designing a Research Study & Analyzing Data
Thursday, October 23, 2014 – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Speakers: Ian Beckford and Neera Mohess

Full Description

This course will be an introduction and overview of the research design process, including the components of a good research design, types of research strategies, a summary of popular research designs, data collection methods, and statistical software description.

The session includes two sets of hands-on exercises. In the first exercise, participants will run and analyze data using a hypothetical case study. In the second, participants will consider a specific research study they wish to implement, outline their research design steps, and specify their data collection methods and data analysis plan.

This workshop is the first in a series of assessment-related sessions. For a deep dive into survey design, consider attending our Assessment In Focus session on November 6, 2014. Future sessions will cover Interviews, Focus Groups, Fieldwork, and Analysis.

Who Should Attend:
This workshop will benefit anyone interested in beginning a research study at their organization. No prior knowledge of research design is necessary.

By the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the components of the research design process
  • Choose a suitable research design for their study
  • Assess and choose suitable data collection methods for their study
  • Choose suitable methods to analyze their data
  • Determine how to utilize their results to improve their organization

Visit more information and registration.