CALL for Proposals: Case Studies in Critical Pedagogy

In May 2021, METRO’s Reference & Instruction Special Interest Group (SIG) will collaborate with CUNY’s Library and Information Literacy Committee (LILAC), ACRLY/NY’s Information Literacy/Instruction Discussion Group, and METRO for A Working Symposium: Critical Practices in Reference and Instruction in the Remote Environment.

In the months leading up to the Symposium the Reference & Instruction SIG will host two events focused on LIS Critical Pedagogy. The first event, Case Studies in Critical Pedagogy is scheduled for November 16th at 12:30 pm EST. The second will be held in February 2021.

This posting is a save-the-date for this November event, and a call for short presentations of case studies.


Whether critical pedagogy has been the focus of your reference/instruction practice and scholarship for years or you are wholly new to the subject, we invite you to join us as we begin the ongoing discussion within the METRO Reference & Instruction SIG community.

We will start by thinking together about how critical pedagogy practices may function in a remote environment, so often  structured by corporate educational technologies and taking place at a time when the fault lines of inequality, access, and vulnerability are so pronounced. We invite you to consider how we can integrate critical considerations of these circumstances within our approaches to remote teaching practice. How are some of us engaging the complexities of the time while still supporting ourselves, faculty, students, patrons, and the public?

Eamon Tewell, Head of Research Support and Outreach for Columbia University’s Science, Engineering, & Social Science Libraries, will provide context and framing of critical pedagogies.

We are seeking case studies to help ground our November 16th discussion. If you have been able to approach distance learning from a perspective that incorporates critical pedagogy practices–either through reference service or instruction (whether synchronous or asynchronous), or if you have engaged with these issues in your own research, and would like to share with the wider library services community, please send us your name, institutional affiliation, title, and a brief description by  using this form. []

This METRO  Reference & Instruction SIG event on November 16th, 12:30pm EST, will serve both as opportunity to share case-studies in the lead up to the Working Symposium in May and as a foundation for the dialogue that can take place on the METRO Reference & Instruction SIG listserv and for the SIG as a group.  Let’s build a collective discourse that will support practitioners from various institutional contexts and who come to this venture with varying levels of expertise!

If you’re interested, please join the METRO Reference & Instruction SIG listserv here [].

The Reference and Instruction Special Interest Group co-leaders are: Kate Adler, Director of Library Services, MCNY, Linda Miles, Hostos Community College, & Shawnta Smith-Cruz, Associate Dean for Teaching, Learning, and Engagement, NYU. 

The May Working Symposium Working Group collaborators are: Reference and Instruction SIG co-leaders alongside Dianne Gordon-Conyers (chair of the ACRL/NY Information Literacy/Instruction Discussion Group) Vikki Terrile, Queensborough Community College for the Library Information Literacy Advisory Council, CUNY, and the co-chairs of LILAC, Stephanie Margolin from Hunter College and Emma Antobam-Ntekud from Bronx Community College.