Call for Applicants: 2023 ACRL/NY Symposium Scholarships 

Call for Applicants: ACRL/NY Symposium Scholarships 

2023 ACRL/NY Symposium: Embracing Slow Librarianship

Deadline: Oct 6, 2023

In conjunction with our annual symposium, ACRL/NY is offering three different scholarships. Awardees receive a waiver to attend our annual symposium and are also awarded a full year of membership in the organization.

For those who attend in person, breakfast and lunch are included. Please note that scholarship recipients will be responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses.

Student Scholarship – For students currently enrolled in graduate degree programs in library/information science who are considering a career in academic librarianship (3 awardees). Apply now —— > : fill out this student scholarship form

Early Career Librarian Scholarship – For an academic librarian who has been practicing less than 5 years following receipt of a Master’s degree in library/information science (1 awardee).  Apply now —— > :: fill out this early career librarian scholarship form

The Dr. Barbara Bonous-Smit Scholarship – For an academic librarian who has been in practice at least 5 years following receipt of a Master’s degree in library/information science (1 awardee).  Apply now —— > fill out this Dr. Barbara Bonous-Smit scholarship form

2023 ACRL/NY Symposium: Embracing Slow Librarianship

In response to the growing fetishization of productivity in academia’s increasingly corporatized climate, writer and librarian Julia Glassman suggests that library communities might benefit from an approach that incorporates principles from “slow” movements (slow food, slow technology, etc.). She describes slow librarianship as addressing the needs and interests of library communities through the “commitment to prioritizing reflection and meaningful practices over chains of impressive-sounding achievements,” which, in turn, presents the possibility of opening up “alternative avenues for professional development and recognition.”

Produced annually by the Greater New York Metropolitan Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, this year’s event will take place on Friday, December 1st at Baruch College’s Vertical Campus in Manhattan, and will be livestreamed.

Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the full-day symposium, in person or virtually, and produce a short article on their impressions of the day for the ACRL/NY blog (guidelines to be provided).

Application submission deadline: Friday, October 6, 2023

Scholarship recipients will be notified on or before: Wednesday, November 1, 2023.

For further information about the symposium, go to:

We look forward to your submission.

The 2023 ACRL/NY Symposium Committee