It was a privilege and an honour to attend the ACRL/NY Symposium in December 2019, well-worth the trek from Toronto to Manhattan. The day-long symposium was packed full of bright ideas and thought-provoking conversations. resentations and posters, presented by a range of information professionals, touched on critical topics in the field of academic librarianship relating to inclusion, diversity, equity, and ethics. I gleaned many insightful comments on diversity and leadership in the panel Representation Matters: Asian American Voices in Academic Leadership, and I learned about the fantastic blog WOC+Lib. Although the presentations and panels were outstanding on their own, the poster sessions shone too. As an emerging health sciences librarian and former history student, I was immediately drawn to the poster A Reconsideration of Library Treatment of Ethically Questionable Medical Texts: The Case of the Pernkopf Atlas of Anatomy which highlighted the question: what should librarians, who facilitate access to information, do with unethical materials in their collection? I had never before considered this dilemma and believe it is a critical issue that I will be keeping in mind when managing a collection in the near future. Another poster highlight was Ethical UX: Addressing the Transgender and Non-Binary User Experience in an Academic Library which offered simple but effective solutions to barriers in the library and moreover introduced me to some of the key principles of UX design. I feel a great sense of growth and motivation to embody many of the values learned from this symposium.