Transferrable Skills and Landing a (New) Job
Looking for your first librarian position? Thinking about transitioning from one type of librarian position to another, from one institution to another, or from one kind of library to another? “Transferrable skills” could be your key to landing the job. The New Librarians Discussion Group and the ACRL/NY Mentoring Program invite you to an exploration of the topic, including group and one-on-one discussion, working to identify your own transferrable skills, and strategizing about how to emphasize these as strengths in the application process. Do some thinking ahead of time about what transferrable skills you may already have in your toolbox. If there’s a particular job or type of job you’re interested in, bring along the job description(s). We’re hoping to roll up our sleeves and get to work!
We hope you can join us. Refreshments will be served.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 17, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
WHERE: NYPL’s Mid-Manhattan Library Branch, 455 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016, co-lab room, 2nd floor on the 5th Avenue side. Directions.
This meeting is open to ACRL/NY members only. Please remember to renew your membership. Ita��s inexpensive, and you dona��t need to join ACRL National. If you became a member, or renewed after October 1 of 2014, then your membership should be good through 2015. If you are unsure if you are a current member, you can contact Werner Sbaschnik, ACRL/NY Membership Secretary, at
Go here to join or renew ACRL/NY membership:
RSVP for the June 17 event: