CFP: SUNYLA Midwinter Virtual Conference, 2/12/21

Call for Proposals

SUNYLA Midwinter Virtual Conference

Looking Forward: Creative Library Responses to Crises

February 12, 2021

As information professionals, we’re always learning and innovating to provide exemplary service. Even so, the past year has been a shock for libraries. The challenges we faced sparked creative responses and solutions among our colleagues, some implemented suddenly and others evolving gradually, as our understanding of the crisis changed. Some changes were made library by library, others across consortiums or libraries working together. We’re interested in hearing how your library, consortia or library community has responded — either to this year’s COVID-19 crisis or other emergency library-related situations.

Possible session topics might answer these questions: 

Has your library leveraged any particular technology, tool, or service in response to the COVID-19 or other library crises?

As you think about that future time relative to now, are there any changes to your services that you want to keep or abandon?  If so, what and why?

What did you try that you have since decided was not worth the effort and why?  Have your decisions informed any other initiatives?

How did you evaluate your efforts differently, and is the evaluation tool worth keeping?

Has your library cut a costly resource due to budget constraints and found an inexpensive replacement?

Come share your experiences with your supportive and non-judgmental library colleagues at the SUNYLA Midwinter Virtual Conference on February 12, 2021 (10:00am – 2:30pm EST).

Presentations should be 15-20 minutes in length, in a format that best suits your topic.

Technology requirements:  Computer, internet connection, microphone/speakers (headset recommended) or telephone, quiet space for presenting, webcam optional

Accepting proposals until Friday, December 11, 2020.  You do not need to be a SUNYLA member in order to attend or present at this free conference.  Please submit your proposal here: