Pre-register now! ACRL/NY User Experience Discussion Group (Spring 2022 virtual meeting) —-Journey Mapping : Getting into the Minds of Our Users Inbox

Spring 2022 virtual meeting (via Zoom)

Journey Mapping : Getting into the Minds of Our Users 

Date: Friday, May 6, 2022- 10:30am-12:00pm.

Pre-register here:

Academic librarians work in physical and digital environments that we often have little control over. Journey mapping is a UX research technique that can help us identify how our users navigate, experience, and use our library spaces.  It can also provide us with a wealth of data that can be shared to advocate for improvements to our library design. This session will focus on journey mapping tools and techniques as they apply to the physical and emotional experience of library use and discovery. The co-chairs will outline the primary elements of journey mapping. Participants will discuss any tools and techniques they have used in their libraries that study their users. If time permits, there will be breakout groups and/or a hands-on activity.

  *   Preliminary reading  (freely available)– if you have the time (no worries if you don’t)

Marquez, J. J., Downey, A., & Clement, R. (2015). Walking a mile in the user’s shoes: Customer journey mapping as a method to understanding the user experience. Internet Reference Services Quarterly20(3-4), 135-150.

Samson, S., Granath, K., & Alger, A. (2017). Journey mapping the user experience. College & Research Libraries78(4), 459-471. 

If you have experience with journey mapping and would like to be added to the agenda as a presenter, please email us. We welcome your input.

ACRL/NY meetings are a member benefit, so please ensure that you are an active ACRL/NY member. Please note that ACRL National membership is separate from ACRL/NY membership.  If you have not become a member yet, please join online at

If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Werner Sbaschnik, membership secretary, at

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